The time saving innovations of Power Chain Solutions minimize both the inconvenience as well as the financial consequences of a power outage. Furthermore, unlike many of the current solutions, they are short-circuit proof in themselves, prevent cable damage and are reusable.
Unique Temporary Site Cleat/Restraint (TSC/TSR)
Our Temporary Site Cleat/Restraint resolves the problem of how to install temporary site cables safely and quickly.
Plug & play power cable system (e-PCS)
Currently we are developing e-PCS, , a new plug & play power cable system. This cable system will shorten the duration of a power outage in the medium voltage grid by a minimum of 30%!
Engineering/advice (e.g. cleat/restraint spacing calculation)
By calculating the (maximum) cleat/restraint spacing for a certain cable/route, the number of cleats/restraints can be determined. This is not only about the strength of the cleat/restraint in question.
Our Temporary Site Cleat/Restraint resolves the problem of how to install temporary site cables safely and quickly. The Temporary Site Cleat/Restraint ticks all the right boxes due to its adequate strength, sufficient support and ease of installation.
Why choose the Temporary Site Cleat/Restraint?
Currently we are developing e-PCS, a new plug & play power cable system. This cable system will shorten the duration of a power outage in the medium voltage grid by a minimum of 30%! In the case of a power outage the e-PCS system gives you the possibility to roll out a set of emergency cables in one shot and connect these plug & play.
Why choose the e-PCS plug & play power cable system?
By calculating the (maximum) cleat/restraint spacing for a certain cable/route, the number of cleats/restraints can be determined. This is not only about the maximum allowable dynamic short circuit strength of the cleat/restraint in question. Power Chain Solutions has written a specific calculation program taking into account all relevant factors in order to provide our customers with the best possible advice.
The expertise of Power Chain Solutions: